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Lógica cristalina

Do jornal da força aérea americana, falando sobre as milícias apoiadas por eles no Iraque (o que foi apelidado, quando divulgado, como "the Salvador option," numa referência aos esquadrões da morte salvadorenhos)

"We don't call them militias. Militias are...illegal," says Maj. Chris Wales, who spent most of January tracking down and finding these new forces. "I've begun calling them 'Irregular Iraqi ministry-directed brigades.'

E o que essas forças da iniciativa privada fazem, além de ganhar dinheiro, que entra na conta de "reconstrução do Iraque"?

O Times de Londres (um jornal com um insuspeito pedigree Murdoch) narra uma das suas atividades - o fomento à indústria de entretenimento iraquiana e à produção televisiva em particular.

THE grim-faced young man looks shiftily in front of him, glancing from time to time at the lens recording his discomfort. A disembodied voice barks out: “Tell us about the crime you committed.”

The man clears his throat and begins to mumble. “We attacked the National Guard with machineguns and killed two of them. Then we beheaded one of them.” He stumbles for a moment, as if forgetting his lines. Then the interrogator prompts him with more details of his story and he continues with the tale of how he joined the insurgency and the attacks he carried out.

This is Terror in the Grip of Justice, the latest television hit in entertainment-starved Iraq where it is too dangerous to venture out at night and street life ends at last light. It is also the latest weapon in the Government’s propaganda war against the insurgents, aimed at exposing them as the enemies of ordinary Iraqis and cautioning those tempted to join them. Every night at 9pm thousands tune in to the state-run al-Iraqiya channel to see the “confessions” by insurgents paraded before the camera and interrogated.

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