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Liberal sólido

...sou eu, segundo a tipologia política do Pew Center. Desisti de fazer alguma piadinha pornográfica. Segundo a Pew, os liberais sólidos (heh heh) são

•Highly politically engaged
•75% are Democrats
•Concentrated in the Northeast and West
•57% are female
•Best educated of the groups: 49% hold at least a bachelor's degree and 27% have post-graduate experience
•A third regularly listen to NPR, about two-in-ten regularly watch The Daily Show and read The New York Times
•59% have a passport
•42% regularly buy organic foods
•21% are first or second generation Americans

PS na pesquisa, mais de dois terços dos "libertarians" são homens; é de longe o grupo com menos mulheres. Quelle surprise...

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